This week's theme shall be **drum roll please**
...A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS... Here's one now!
Today's favorite thing comes from my country kitchen! It's an old wooden Pepsi crate that I mounted picture hanging hardware to, hung from the kitchen wall, and use to store all my spices and bullion cubes. OK, (because I know Angela and Lindsay will read this) not ALL my spices, just the most used. I have a thing for spices, what can I say!
Christmas is upon us. Our family has already celebrated as a whole, complete with screaming stomping elephant footed herds of children,
food, food, and more food,
food, food, and more food,
*Xander munching some John Deere pop corn and packing TWO drinks around*
presents of course,
*Cody and Zacky unwrap gifts*
and tons of family to share the warm and fuzzy feelings.
A good ol' Flodin family jamborie.