Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tote Bag in an evening

I've been hanging on to a vintage t shirt of my hubbys for a few YEARS now, just waiting for the perfect application.  Finally, I happened across this blue, white and yellow plaid material. I lined the tote with a vintage flour sack dish towel and put in grommets to run the handles through. I cut 1" wide strips of tshirt material, braided it and tied a knot to keep it from pulling through the grommets.

I'll admit one thing- I could not get my fusible webbing to cooperate so the t shirt material stretched as I was sewing so I sewed a strait line around the border and ziggzagged around the strait line to give it a deconstructed feel.


  1. oh...i think i need one of those...sigh...*love* it!!

  2. This is really cool! I also love that it's made with a recycled tee!

  3. Nicely done, Wraylee! Part of sewing is making our mistakes look like we did it on purpose, right? I haven't tried grommets before. Will have to try that sometime.
